Francisco has been talking to the audience about how YPC has been invited to perform with some of the most prestigious musicians across the country, and about the chorus’ upcoming travels to Brazil, Argentina and the Dominican Republic this summer and fall, and to Normandy, France, next year. He thanks the board and the volunteers and everyone in the house for their continued support.
But now he is heaping encomiums on the stars of the spring concert, YPC’s seniors. There are 11 of them this year: Danielle Bennett, Hannah Chinn, Elizabeth Dorovitsine, Maya Hodge, Alexandra Kessler, Camille Labarre, Charlie Lovett, Nichole Musumeci, Isaac Ponce, Brian Sussman, and Emily Viola. They are moving on to college but as we all know, nobody ever leaves YPC, and we’re pretty sure most of them will be back come spring break to help YPC (maybe help V and me blog!). One thing YPC has always been proud of is the fact that all our seniors go on to college. That’s quite a record knowing YPC has been around for nearly 2 decades. Our seniors have been with us for up to 10 years. Yup. One more round of applause for the class of 2011!
Round of applause for the class of 2011…on to 2012.