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[av_heading heading=’YPC Parents in the YPC Office for Gala Phone-a-thon!’ tag=’h2′ style=” size=” subheading_active=” subheading_size=’15’ padding=’10’ color=” custom_font=” admin_preview_bg=”][/av_heading]
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Such a busy evening in the YPC office! Parents of YPC children in all divisions are volunteering their time to join the staff in the office, making phone call after phone call to remind other YPC parents to purchase their gala tickets.
Walking from one end of the office to the other, you can see and hear parents on the phone at every free desk. All of the conversations begin the same way… “Hello, I am calling on behalf of YPC…” Eventually, though, they mold into personal chats about the importance of the gala, the magnificent show the choristers are sure to give, or a parent of an older chorister telling a parent of a younger chorister how much their son has grown during his 7-or-so years with YPC, telling that parent how much the young children have to look forward to, and how they will cherish those early YPC memories as they continue to grow.
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AND – tickets are being sold and donations are being made! Key ingredients to a successful benefit concert, with ongoing support that will energize the efforts of YPC and ensure that our doors stay open to all children.
The message from one parent to another? Spread the word and get involved! Purchase a ticket to the concert, to the dinner, to both! Purchase a raffle ticket to win a vespa or donate to support YPC – no donation is too small. Parents are connecting with one another, talking up the gala, and comparing stories on their child’s experiences with YPC.
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Here are some things some of our parent volunteers had to say…
“In addition to helping YPC, I’m really re-connecting with some of the parents I’ve known for years!” – Merrill (daughter, Liana, Concert Chorus)
“It’s great, the phone-a-thon. Everyone is welcoming, everyone is willing to chat. There’s a warmth about YPC that they feel. It’s good!” – Peggy (son, Luke, Cantare)
[av_image src=’http://choristers.ypc.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/phoneathon3.jpg’ attachment=’7921′ attachment_size=’full’ align=’center’ styling=” hover=” link=” target=” caption=” font_size=” appearance=” overlay_opacity=’0.4′ overlay_color=’#000000′ overlay_text_color=’#ffffff’ animation=’no-animation’ admin_preview_bg=”][/av_image]
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“It always helps to do some telemarketing. It’s not like this is AT&T calling…it’s about their child! Even leaving a message is great.” – Tracey (son, Ross, Prelude)
“When Elizabeth contacted me, my son said, ‘Do whatever she asks you to do!’ William just loves YPC.” – Dawn (son, William, Cantare)
“It’s great that calls come from parents and from a parent’s perspective. It’s easy to relate – it works better.” – Florence (son, James, Young Men)
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