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“There are no simple words to express the utter rapture that I feel from being in this chorus and being able to participate in something so earth-shattering as this organization. The endless opportunities and unfathomable experiences are too much for the mind to grasp. This chorus gives me hope that there is light at the end of the tunnel. To know that there are people out there that will fight for the goodness of the world and will turn potentiality into actuality is very comforting. To know that just by being a part of this is not just for today but will ultimately affect tomorrow is encouraging and inspiring. Join us, everyone, and contribute yourself to the harmonious chord in the resounding song of victory.” – Jamal, Young Men’s Chorus

“Singing with Concert Chorus and Young Men really helps us so much…it is so good for us musically to be integrated with them!” – Maggie, Cantare Chorus

“I think the gala brings us closer together. We have so many rehearsals in preparation and get to spend a lot of time together to create an amazing show.” – Katie, Cantare Chorus

“I’ve never done a gala with YPC before…I wasn’t sure if all those hours of extra rehearsal and hard work would really pay off because it wasn’t always perfect in rehearsal. But while we were performing at the gala, I knew it was all worth it for an incredible performance and that amazing feeling on stage.” – Louise, Cantare Chorus

“I really enjoyed this recent gala at Jazz at Lincoln Center. Not only was it a great venue, a great program, and great choreography, but there it was a great sense of accomplishment for us all. For weeks leading up to the Gala we have had so many hours of hard work in rehearsals. Even though it was a lot of work, I felt it was well worth it for everybody in the end. More than anything, I enjoyed the Gala because I got to see and experience all of the faces and personalities of YPC. I was able to see YPC. We sometimes forget that outside of each of our private endeavors in YPC lies a greater cause, more germane to the true meaning of YPC. That night I got to see that.” – Chris, Young Men’s Chorus


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